2011年5月19日 星期四

New Arrived: Mike Balter Joe Locke系列47-48-49R琴槌

Mike Balter Joe Locke系列 47R Quick Fly,速擊時音色短促顆粒清晰,讓獨奏曲段迅捷俐落。
Mike Balter Joe Locke系列48R Crossover,雙色系線槌,樂曲中需要頻繁緊湊的擊點時,能夠即時反饋並迅速帶出其回響與共鳴,用於Vibe則音色悠揚,是演奏者不可獲缺的琴槌。
 Mike Balter Joe Locke系列49R Deep Tone,具有圓厚、暖潤音色的軟槌,為民謠或表情豐富的曲段創造出更具張力的音色。
團購強力募集中!!! 歡迎洽詢:04-26815693 鄭小姐

2011年5月5日 星期四

使用QR-CODE Reader,手機瀏覽官網更方便

Use mobile app (the name is QR-CODE Reader), you do not need to type the URL and get our website more soon.  
使用QR-CODE Reader,手機瀏覽官網更方便

1.Get the Quick Mark or QR-Code on Android or iPhone APP store.
2.Use the camera lens on your phone to scan the code
3.Now you can browse our website fun.

2011年5月4日 星期三

Event: 2011 Taiwan Clinic (台灣國際音樂節)

The Taiwan Clinic is one of the biggest band and orchestra music festival in Asia. Starting from 07, the Taiwan Clinic attracts musicians and group from all over the world to get together every year, including America, Kazakhstan, Spain, Korea, Singapore, Japan, and China. We invite the most influential master in the band industry and most well-known musicians in the world to Taiwan. International concerts, marching band performances, wind ensemble competitions and various attractive sessions comprise this fascinating festival. http://www.taiwanclinic.com.tw/crt/en/



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